Four Year Course Planner Tool for Students

Screen Shot of the 4 Year Course Planner
Screen Shot of the 4 Year Course Planner

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering has many resources available to students. One such resource is the Four Year Course Planner. This interactive application allows students to plan out classes for all four years spent at UNL.

The Planner is easy to access. Students will need to login using their Blackboard information. After this step, students will see a schedule. This schedule will list each semester up until the projected graduation date.

Students can make changes to their schedules by adding transfer credits. The application also has placeholders for ACE and departmental requirements. Students can rearrange the application to better reflect how their schedules will work.

It should be noted that this application can only validate a schedule up to a certain point. Meeting with an advisor will best help you if you have certain questions about courses and your planner.

Dr. Charles Riedesel, Chief Undergraduate Adviser, is available by appointment for advising. To schedule an appointment, consult his online schedule, choose an open slot and email him at

Dr. Chris Bourke, Undergraduate Adviser holds regular weekly office hours outside Avery 259. To schedule an appointment, login to Blackboard and search for him on MyPLAN, then reserve an open time slot.

Jenna Gronewold, Administrative Coordinator is available by appointment. Email her at to make an appointment.

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