Two Saturdays ago, 20 students on eight teams participated in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering's local programming contest. The contest consisted of eight challenging problems. Each team had five hours to try and solve them. All of the teams solved at least two problems. ThunderKiats, the team to take first place solved five of the eight problems. *More results can be seen at: http://cse.unl.edu/~jifland/local2013
To prepare for this contest, and the regional contest on November 9, students have been meeting in room 20 of Avery Hall on Wednesday and Thursday nights from 6:40 until 8:30. Participants will go over methods for approaching solving problems, team strategy, algorithms, data structures, etc. There are many discussions about how to look at the problems, and comparing them with different solving methods.
If you are interested in joining, all are welcome. Meetings will continue to occur on Wednesday and Thursday nights until the regional contest. For the regional contest, it will be possible to participate by offering to help out at the contest, and may be possible to compete in a second level of the competition. However, you would not be eligible to move on to the international competition. If you have any questions, feel free to email the head coach at: jifland@cse.unl.edu
A big congratulations to all the teams who participated in the local contest. You put forth a strong showing.