Study Abroad in China

Study Abroad in China
Study Abroad in China

CBA is excited to announce a new four-week study abroad program to Xi'an and Beijing, China during summer 2014. Any UNL student of any major with at least a 2.5 GPA is welcome to apply and participate.

Tentative dates are May 10 to June 5, 2014. Classes will be taught by Xi'an Jiaotong University faculty, and UNL finance professor, Glenn Williams.

Study the Mandarin language, Chinese culture, and business aspects. Earn 3-6 UNL credit hours while experiencing Chinese lifestyle. This is a guided program with no prior Mandarin language requirement necessary. There will be a 3-day cultural visit to Beijing, including the Great Wall and Forbidden City. Scholarships are available.

Information sessions will be held:
Tuesday, October 29, 5:30 p.m. CBA 107
Thursday, November 21, 5 p.m. CBA 104
Wednesday, January 22, 4:30 room TBD

Apply online at

Application deadline is February 1, 2014