The third lecture of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering’s Colloquium Series, given by Dr. Christian Kästner will begin at 4 p.m. in Avery 115. There will be a reception at 3:30 p.m. in Avery 348.
In this talk, as stated in Dr. Kästner’s abstract, he will give an overview of his work on variability systems in a single run, while exploiting the similarities between the configurations. Dr. Kästner will give an overview of his work on variability-aware analysis that aims at analyzing all configurations of a configurable system in a single run, while exploiting the similarities between the configurations. He will give an overview of the TypeChef infrastructure that is able to parse and type check C code with #ifdef variability, targeted at finding bugs in highly configurable systems as the Linux kernel (10,000 compile-time configuration options).
Dr. Christian Kästner is an Assistant Professor of computer science in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Magdeburg in 2010 for his work on virtual separation of concerns. Dr. Kästners research interests lie in reducing variability-induced complexity in software systems. He combines programming language research and software engineering research in the areas of software product lines, feature-oriented programming, modularity, metaprogramming, software analysis, program comprehension and program transformations.