On Thursday, April 3 at 5:30 p.m. at the Sheldon Museum of Art, Chicana narrative artist Carmen Lomas Garza will give a lecture titled “A little piece of my heart” and will be present for a book signing and a Q&A session.
On Wednesday, April 9 beginning at 3:30 p.m. and ending at 5, the First Annual Prison Panel will occur. The panel, which will take place in the Dudley-Bailey library on the second floor of Andrews Hall, will focus on issue of mass incarceration.
Panel members include:
Victorial Smith, Associate Professor of History and Ethnic Studies presenting Collateral Damage: Me and Ephron Get Locked Up
Grant Tietjen, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Criminal Justice presenting “The PhD Cuts a Lot of Stigma: Pathways from Incarceration to the Academy
Fran Kaye, Professor of English and Ethnic Studies Affiliate will present From Stolen Children to Hannibal Lector: Contradictions in Child Welfare and Mental Healthcare
Jason Hertz, PhD Student of English will present Prison Literature and What You Can Do About It: Activist Reading and Writing Lessons
The final event will be a presentation by President of the Oglala Sioux, Bryan Brewer. Brewer’s presentation is called Of Oil and Alcohol: White Clay, the XL Keystone Pipeline, and Their Impact on the Oglala Sioux Tribe. Brewer will be speaking on Thursday, April 10 in the City Union auditorium at 7 p.m. with a reception to follow.