Participate in #UNL24 Today, All Day


Today UNL students are encouraged to participate in a social-media campaign to promote excitement and positivity about the school, using primarily Twitter, Instagram, Vine videos, and Snapchat. Students can participate by using the hashtag “#UNL24” while posting pictures or text or videos recounting their positive experiences at UNL or things that they think are overlooked about it.

Students should think about what makes a group you participate in special, and let people know. There are “selfie spots” all over campus, and professors and staff are encouraged both to participate and to ask questions that will prompt students to participate. Students should also keep an eye on Chancellor Perlman’s Twitter account for clues to a scavenger hunt.

The #UNL24 campaign is a good opportunity to participate in an event that shows the school how much it means to those who love it.