ACM Looking for Students Interested in Programming


ACM's 2014-15 programming contests and practices are set to begin!

Students have the chance to represent UNL on the international stage and compete against 250 college teams over a 7 state/ 2 province region for an invitation to the ICPC World Finals in Morocco!

See for complete
details of the ACM North Central North America Regional Programming Contest, which will be held here at UNL and simultaneously at 15 additional sites on Saturday, Nov. 8.

Before students can compete in the Regional Contest, they must attend the UNL Local Programming Contest on Sunday afternoon, Oct.12. There are practices over the coming three weeks for anyone from brand new freshmen programming for the first time all the way up to seniors and even first year graduate students.

By coming to these practices participants will meet other students interested in programming. All students interested in the contest are encouraged to come to these practices.

Practices are every Wednesday and the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th Friday. Each practice will go from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in room 20, located in the basement of Avery Hall.