Seniors planning to graduate in December must complete the Senior Exit Survey on Blackboard by Friday, December 12. Students who do not complete it online will be required to complete it in person in the department offices.
An email was sent to you directly. If you never received it or accidentally deleted it, here it is:
Congratulations, graduating seniors! My name is Jenna Huttenmaier and I work for the CSE Department. I have the pleasure of organizing our online Senior Exit Interviews which are mandatory for graduation. We simply want your feedback on the CSE Department, your program, and where you're headed after graduation. We use this data for reporting purposes as well as to make improvements to our department.
I know you are busy, but it is required that you complete the short online survey through Blackboard by the end of dead week (Friday, December 12).
Just a few tips:
-The survey will be under My Organizations in your Blackboard account and it's called 'Computer_Science_and_Engineering_Graduating_Seniors: Computer Science and Engineering Dept. Surveys'
-After you click on the link, click Documents on the left to get the survey to show up
-Questions 5-20 are for computer engineers – if you are computer science, click Not Applicable
-Question 21-35 are for computer science students – if you are computer engineering, click Not Applicable
-If other sections don't apply to you, click or type Not Applicable
-Please answer everything else as honestly as possibly
-This survey is completely confidential so your name will not show up when we run reports
After you complete the survey, submit it, and then click okay to see the results. When the results page shows up, please save it as a PDF and email it to me. So basically the PDF will look just like the survey, but with all of your questions completed. In the email also please type a quick sentence which includes your job title, company, and company location (or grad school). If you’re still looking, please type that.
I can answer any questions you may through phone or email. Please complete this survey by the end of dead week (Friday, December 12). Those who do not complete this survey by December 12 will need to come into my office and complete it with me in person. So please save yourself some time and complete it online.
Thank you! Congratulations!
Jenna Huttenmaier
Administrative Coordinator
Computer Science & Engineering
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
(402) 472-5011