Research Exeperience for Undergraduates Program 2015

Jobs and Internships
Jobs and Internships

At Clemson University, the Holcombe Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering is currently seeking applicants for a summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program.

The program supports up to ten summer students with one to four semesters left in their undergraduate degrees. The students will be involved with faculty and graduate students for ten weeks. There are roughly ten projects and ten faculty from several different departments involved.

It also provides summer housing on campus and a $6,000 stipend. There is also a relocation allowance for students not already enrolled at Clemson, and on-campus meal plans will be provided at reasonable cost.

UNL students are encouraged to apply, but must be one of the following majors: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Bioengineering, or Physics. As aforementioned, they must have only one to four semesters remaining in their undergraduate degree. They must have U.S. citizenship or permanent-resident status, and they must have a GPA of 3.4 or higher.

To apply, visit