The SWE Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to women admitted to accredited baccalaureate or graduate programs, in preparation for careers in engineering, engineering technology and computer science. In 2014, SWE awarded over 230 new and renewed scholarships valued at over $700,000.
• The applicant is enrolled in or accepted into a baccalaureate ABET-accredited engineering (EAC), computing (CAC), or technology (TAC) degree program. Please go to ABET for a list of approved programs.
• The applicant is in a position to accept the scholarship in the school year for which it is being awarded.
• The minimum GPA is 3.50/4.00 (unweighted) for incoming freshman applicants.
• The applicant must be a full time student.
• The applicant must be a US citizen or permanent resident of the US for some scholarships.
• The applicant is not receiving full funding for education (tuition, fees, and books or equivalent) from their school or another organization (e.g. members of the Armed Services attending US Military Academies, students receiving full reimbursement from an employer).
The online application can be found at: https://scholarships.swe.org/applications/login.asp.
Applications are due February 16, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. central time, no exceptions.