Part-Time Position in IT Support

IT Support
IT Support

The State of Nebraska, Board of Engineers & Architects is looking for a student to help support agency IT needs. The desired candidate must have:

➢ Excellent problem solving skills
➢ Ability to troubleshoot computer and printer issues
➢ Knowledge of networking
➢ Strong background in database design and management
➢ Knowledge of macros/scripting

This opportunity is part-time with flexible hours (+-10 hrs/week) year round; sophomore or junior status would be ideal. $14.19 per hour

TO APPLY: Submit explanation of experience and skills and/or resume to

CLOSING DATE: October 6, 2015, or until filled.

Questions and inquiries to: Sandra Weaver, State of Nebraska, Board of Engineers & Architects, Administrator, 215 Centennial Mall South, Suite 400, PO Box 95165, Lincoln, NE 68509 or by email or 402-471-3061.