ACM Programming Contest



UNL has the most impressive record of any school in the North Central Region with the possible exception of Madison, Wisconsin. We have produced winning teams in 8 of the past 13 years who have advanced to the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) World Finals which has been held in fascinating sites including the Netherlands, Vancouver, Waikiki Beach, San Antonio, Shanghai, Tokyo, Stockholm, and most recently Harbine China.

This year the top 100 teams in the world will be going to Warsaw in Poland!

The first step in this process is signing up for our local contest. If you don't have a team formed yet, just respond with your own name and we'll work together to build a team.

------------------------ Contest Entry Form ----------------------------------
Team Name (f you have one yet):
Member Name 1:
Member Name 2:
Member Name 3:

Local contest date (Mark each possible date with 'yes!', 'ok', or 'no!')
Saturday, Oct 1 morning:
Saturday, Oct 1 afternoon:
Sunday, Oct 9 afternoon:

Monday evening practice time possibilities:
earliest starting time (6:30pm min):
latest ending time (?:?? max):

Wednesday evening practice time possibilities:
earliest starting time (6:30pm min):
latest ending time (?:?? max):


Are you eligible? The answer is yes if...
- you are a full time student in college, any major is fine (graduate school included!)
- it has been less than 5 years since you first started college (some grad students still qualify!)
- you have competed at the regional level fewer than 4 times
- you have competed at the international level fewer than 2 times

Can freshmen compete?
Certainly! One year the winning team consisted of a freshman, a sophomore, and a junior. And if you compete only at the local level, you gain valuable experience without losing eligibility for the 4 time maximum participation a the regional level!

What does the contest consist of?
About 8 to 10 problems to solve in a 5 hour period with a team of 3 and a single computer running C, C++, and/or Java.

Are there practices and orientations?
Yes! Each Monday or Wednesday evening leading up to the contest we propose a help session with examples and guidelines.

What about the regional contest?
It is a contest spread out over multiple sites. Our UNL site is by far the largest and is where we will compete. The date is Saturday, Nov. 12. The top teams from the local contest will advance to the regional.

Questions? Ask me (
or assistant coach Jeff Ifland ( or other ACM leaders.

Chuck R

More details at: