During this fall semester, about 75 undergraduates teamed up with CSE graduate TAs to deliver our educational program to fellow students. Growth is expected to continue, so we may need still more TAs for the coming spring semester.
Being an undergraduate TA includes a mix of the following duties depending on what works with your course instructor and TA team members:
1) Helping in lab
2) Office hours in SRC
3) Helping in recitation
4) Email contact with students
5) Participate in TA coordinating meetings for the course
6) Grading
7) Prepare homeworks and quizzes
1) Prepared to assist with the assigned course (such as good grade in CSCE 155A the previous semester),
2) Academic good standing,
3) Clean record on integrity,
4) UNL student for the semester.
1) Learn better through the review and teaching others.
2) Earn $11 per hour on whatever schedule works for you and your assigned course instructor.
3) Win potential awards at end-of-year appreciation events.
4) Boost your resume.
5) Get good reference letters.
6) Build teaching skills.
7) Flexible hours - you are paid for the hours you work and arrange for, which can change each week, with no need to leave Avery Hall to get to work.
1) Go to http://cse.unl.edu/~gta and create an account and/or log in.
2) Update your academic details.
3) Enter your preferences. It will be easier for you and me if you simply indicate your favorites as a 4 (good) or a 5 (best), and ignore all the rest. Don’t even set them to 1 or 2 because that creates clutter for my view.
4) I will be reviewing applications as I am able, hopefully to get a first draft out before Finals Week.
5) Respond to the first draft as appropriate.
Needs (these are likely needs, based on current and anticipated enrollments)
CSCE 101
CSCE 155A, E, N
CSCE 156, 156H
CSCE 220
CSCE 230
CSCE 231
CSCE 235
CSCE 236
CSCE 251
SOFT 261
CSCE 310
CSCE 311
CSCE 322
CSCE 361
CSCE 378
CSCE 421
CSCE 423
CSCE 424
CSCE 428
CSCE 430
CSCE 438
CSCE 440
CSCE 451
CSCE 461
CSCE 464
CSCE 468
CSCE 474
Questions? Email Chuck Riedesel at chuckr@unl.edu.
More details at: http://cse.unl.edu/~gta