![The 2017-2018 CSE Award winners.](https://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/files/file95657.jpg)
Congratulations to our faculty, staff and students who were honored at last week's annual CSE Awards!
Here is a full list of our winners:
Outstanding Undergraduate (CS) Senior Award: Henry Recker
Outstanding Undergraduate (CE) Senior Award: Rebecca Horzewski
Outstanding Undergraduate Student Teaching Award: Jordan Schmitz
Outstanding Undergraduate Student Research Award: Lucas Hall and Colton Harper
Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award: Qicheng Lin, Paul Quint, and Colin Richards
Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award: Zahmeeth Sayed Sakkaff and Jiang Shu
Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award: Daniel Geschwender
Student Choice Outstanding Teaching Award
Lower Level (100-200): Stephanie Valentine
Student Choice Outstanding Teaching Award Upper Level (300-400): Ryan Patrick
Student Choice Outstanding Teaching Award Graduate Level (800-900): Byrav Ramamurthy and Qiben Yan
Outstanding Administrative Staff Award: Deb Heckens and Ann Koopmann
Outstanding Technical Staff Award: Charles Daniel, Tom Harvill, and Shea Svoboda
Department Recognition Award: Steve Reichenbach