CSE Ambassadors changes name to Initialize

The CSE Ambassadors have changed their group's name to Initialize.
The CSE Ambassadors have changed their group's name to Initialize.

Big news from the former CSE Ambassadors: We have changed our name Initialize (Init for short). We made this change so that our name could more accurately reflect what we do as an organization. The definition of Initialize is "to prepare" or "to set variables to their starting values". We work to make a club full of activity and growth that can be a platform for new ideas and initiatives.

Remember to search for this name when you are trying to find us from now on!

Also, if you are not familiar with Initialize, we are a student organization with the mission of using computer science to serve the community and build our professional skills. We have numerous initiatives that you can be apart of. For all of these, there is no experience required, just a desire to learn!

K-12 Education:
Lincoln Robotics League: Volunteer for 1 hour a week at a local middle school and to help teach robotics.
Contact Nirmitee Gite for more information: nirmitee.gite@gmail.com

STEMentors: Work with rural students in Nebraska over facetime to teach them computer skills including coding and robotics.

Contact Colton Harper to learn more: coltoncashharper@gmail.com

Coding and Coffee: Volunteer to help high school students learn how to code and drink coffee at the same time!

Meeting Time: Thursdays 5-6 Avery 108
Contact Ruben Aguilar to learn more: rubenag025@gmail.com

Boy Scouts Camp: On the first Saturday of each month, Initialize will host a robotics camp to help Boy Scouts earn their robotics badges.

Contact Mickey Tran for more information: mctrann@gmail.com

Development Team:
Help build software for the community. Gain real life programming and project experience.

Meeting Time: Tuesdays 5-6:30 Avery 108
Contact Jimmy Ericson for more information: obx18.jimmy@gmail.com

Broader Considerations of Technology (BCT):
BCT is interested in technology, ethics, and the societal impacts of technology. We seek to mitigate the negative impacts of technology on society by raising awareness of the importance of ethical considerations for the development and deployment of emerging technologies. We aim to paint a clear picture of technology and its impact on interdisciplinary perspectives. Our goal is not to simply reduce the rising technology-invoked anxieties among society, rather we wish to provide guidelines and incentives and ultimately help redirect the direction of emerging technologies to establish technology as a force for good.

What We are Looking For:

The BCT Team is seeking out motivated students to help us organize the following initiatives aimed at bringing attention to the intersection of emerging technology and applied ethics:

Lecture Series: Spring 2019 Lecture series will cover ethics and societal impacts in Big Data

Podcast: The podcast team covers news stories and conducts interviews with professors and people in industry who can shed insights on tech and ethics.

Conference: The conference, held (Fall 2019) will have many workshops, a keynote & speakers, a Game Jam, a call for posters, and a call for art.

UCARE Research: If you are interested in doing paid research in this area, we will connect you to our support faculty and staff from Business, Computer Science, and Philosophy and we can provide guidance on your research proposal. UCARE applications for Fall 2019 and Spring of 2020 are due March 11th.

Branding: If you are interested in designing logos, designing posters, editing videos, etc, we could really use your help!

Website: ifthentech.com

Contact: Colton Harper, coltonharper@ifthentech.com if you are interested in getting involved with us.