Below is a set of activities from YouCubed, with modifications to make them work better from home, making continuing to learn maths while maintaining social distancing easier.
They have organized the activities by the kinds of resources needed to explore them. Some only require household supplies, others might need to be printed or use other technology or some more specific supplies, some are outdoor activities, and some are activities for students to engage in with their families.
Household supplies only:
• Snap-it (K-2): In this activity, students use snap cubes to make sense of parts and wholes and relate that to addition and subtraction of pairs. A small handful of anything you have on hand: pennies, paper clips, etc. will work just as well as snap cubes. https://www.youcubed.org/tasks/snap-it/
• Fewest squares (3-12): Students draw an 11x13 grid and try to find the fewest number of squares they can use to cover it without overlap or extending outside the grid. https://tinyurl.com/uszqfmj
Indoor with technology / other supplies:
• Number visuals (K-12): In this activity students color-code collections of circles as they look for patterns. They can do this directly on a tablet, or you can print them out for the whole family, pull out some crayons, and use them as dinner mats. https://www.youcubed.org/resources/number-visuals-k-12/
• Poly-Up (5-12): Poly-Up is an online platform that pushes students to develop computational thinking skills while helping Poly fix machines. https://www.youcubed.org/resources/polyup/
• Mathematical Art (K-12): Students can expand this activity and discuss the maths you see in public art - and anywhere! Are there interesting shapes? Angles? Patterns? There is so much to see out there! https://www.youcubed.org/resources/mathematical-art-k-12/
Family activities:
• Feet under the table (K-2): While sitting around the table, ask your student or child to figure out how many feet are under the table without looking. If your child is up for a challenge have them figure out how many toes are under the table. https://www.youcubed.org/resources/feet-under-the-table-k-2/
• Emoji Graph (K-12): Students can survey their family on a topic of their choice and make a graph describing their findings. https://www.youcubed.org/resources/emoji-graph-k-12/
Please share your students' work using the hashtag #YoucubedAtHome and check the hashtag out to see others' work and interact with them.