Youcubed: 'Data Talk' resources

The Youcubed team has designed a new pedagogical routine that draws from the idea of “number talks” and helps students develop something important for the modern world –- data literacy. The routine is called a “Data Talk” and, like “number talks,” they should take 5-10 minutes of class time.

This is how they work. Show students a cool data visual and ask them: what do you notice? What do you wonder? What is going on in this data visualization? It is important to remember that you do not have to be an expert in the topic of the data visualization. If students ask you a question about it, you can model not knowing an answer, and being willing to find out.

You can find more information about Data Talks here:

Youcubed believes Data Talks are an important way to increase students’ data literacy and pique their interest in Data Science –- whatever their age.