Youcubed is highlighting an important issue for education this fall: how we group students so that they can have the opportunity to go forward in mathematics and take any classes they want.
Jo Boaler says that traditional systems of tracking have not served students well and have resulted in significant inequities in the school system. The new proposed California Framework, for which she is one of the authors, sets out different approaches that have been shown to be more successful.
To help educators with this complex issue Youcubed has –
1. Released an updated new paper that Boaler co-authored with David Foster, which shares the evidence from multiple school districts engaged in de-tracking of middle school classrooms. Study 2, the new addition to the paper, shares significant student achievement increases, from across the achievement range, after a de-tracking initiative involving over 16,000 students. The paper also discusses the reasons for parent opposition and strategies to educate those who oppose such changes.
2. Designed new professional development to support teachers who are teaching mathematics to groups of students that are heterogenous, or “mixed ability,” a description that fits all classrooms. They have planned an intensive one-day workshop to help teachers learn the different research-based options available to them, and the ways they work in classrooms. They will also consider examples from teachers who work with heterogenous groups in schools without mathematics “tracks." Youcubed is offering this workshop on October 25 as a live, online version.
The cost is $595 per person and you can register online here:
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