NebraskaMATH News for August 2021

Congratulations to August 2021 graduates

Four of the eight August master's degree graduates in NebraskaMATH.Congratulations to the nine teachers who earned master’s degrees from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in August 2021, in part as a result of their participation in the MAT program, ITEAM or the NMSSI, and the two teachers who earned their doctorates. Continue reading…


AWM Meet a Mathematician: Dr. Tensia Soto next Meet a Mathematician! video interview in the popular series is with Dr. Hortensia Soto, who is also featured on AWM's first deck of EvenQuads cards. Soto is a native Nebraskan who has hosted an online Math Teachers' Circle for the UNL CSMCE and taught NMSSI courses for us. Continue reading…


Math Day 2021 moves online, includes PROBE I Exam second online Math Day, referred to as Math Day 2.0, will be held virtually on Thursday, Dec. 2, 2021. Math Day 2.0 will consist of a team mathematics competition, the Math Bowl 2.0, on Dec. 2, as well as the individual PROBE I (Problems Requiring Original and Brilliant Effort) Exam. Continue reading…


Call for manuscripts in NCTM book submitting a manuscript for the book, “Disrupting Injustices: Mathematics Educators in Critical Moments,” which will be published by NCTM. This book will highlight critical moments when mathematics teachers (un)intentionally create more just and equitable 6-12 grade classrooms or schools. Continue reading…

Originally published August 17, 2021 - Submit an Item