Congratulations to the nine teachers who earned master’s degrees from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in August 2021, in part as a result of their participation in the MAT program, ITEAM or the NMSSI, as well as two teachers who earned their doctorates.
Seven teachers (from Nebraska unless otherwise noted) earned a Master of Arts for Teachers (MAT) degree from the Department of Mathematics in August:
• Allison (Berry) Brown, Gretna High School
• Andrew Campbell, Millard North High School
• Roseanne Gartner, Kearney High School
• Kayla (Peters) Geiger, Westridge Middle School, Grand Island
• Lori Johnson, Dallas, Texas
• Cady (Reinke) Maple, Boone Central Middle School
• Lauren Taylor, Gretna High School
Two teachers graduated with a Master of Arts from the Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education and a minor in Mathematics: Chantelle Schroeder, a Lincoln Public Schools teacher at Meadow Lane Elementary who completed Primarily Math in 2013, and Kimberly Wright, a Millard Public Schools teacher at Disney Elementary who completed ITEAM in 2019.
Marlene Grayer-Chisulo, a Math in the Middle participant, earned her Ph.D. in Educational Studies, advised by Professor Edmund Hamann. Her dissertation was "Brilliant, Better, Best: Teaching to Affirm a Positive Racial Mathematics Identity." Grayer teaches at Davis Middle School in Omaha Public Schools.
Christine Olsen, a Primarily Math participant, earned her Ed.D. in Educational Studies, advised by Professor Amanda Thomas. Her dissertation was "Cooperative Group Work in a Fifth Grade Mathematics Classroom: Impacts on Equity Through Strategic Engagement Structures." Olsen teaches at Hartman Elementary in OPS.
August 2021 was also the first chance for 2020 graduates to walk in the ceremony. Alyssa Baber (2020 MAT) and Amber Vlasnik (2020 TLTE Ph.D.) both participated.
We are proud of them and their accomplishments!