It’s time to Glow All In for CSMCE

Glow Big Red — 24 Hours of Husker Giving is almost here, and the Center for Science, Mathematics and Computer Education (CSMCE) is counting on you. Will you help us make this the best Glow Big Red yet?

From noon to noon on Feb. 15 to Feb. 16, we’ll celebrate our campus and raise vital funding to ensure that Husker teachers have the support needed to invest in their own skills and education. Help us, by investing in Nebraska’s teachers and strengthening our commitment to Nebraska’s students.

Wondering how you can show your support during Glow Big Red?
• Give: Join your fellow Huskers by making a gift of $5 or more to support CSMCE! Your contribution will help us reach our center goal of 15 gifts. Allowing us to unlock our match donor’s support of $1,000.
• Share: Use the hashtag #GlowBigRed to share your support on social media!
• Glow: Make your room, home or business GLOW to let your Husker pride shine!

This is our fifth year of glowing, and we know you’ll help us make Glow Big Red bigger and better than ever. Make your gift at today or any time before noon on Feb. 16.

Let’s Glow All In for Glow Big Red, Huskers!

P.S. Looking to expand your Husker wardrobe? Don’t miss this: Make gifts totaling $60 or more and we’ll send you a reversible Husker bucket hat created exclusively for Glow Big Red 2023!