NebraskaMATH News for May 2023

$500 fellowships available for select NMSSI courses

The NMSSI is excited to announce a special offer for Teacher Appreciation Week, May 8-12! Nebraska teachers who complete an NMSSI Fellowship Application between May 8-12 and plan to enroll in either Math 803T, Math 804T or Math 816T are eligible to receive a $500 fellowship! Continue reading…


Q&A with Leah Kastrup

Leah KastrupLearn more about Leah Kastrup, a Primarily Math graduate in 2010 who was part of the second cohort of National Science Foundation funding for NebraskaMATH. Kastrup is now a principal at Conestoga Elementary in Omaha Public Schools. Continue reading…


Join NASA's digital learning week, May 8-12’s Science Activation Program invites learners of all ages, including students and educators, to join the Digital Learning Week Celebration. This virtual, interactive event takes place May 8-12 and is open 24 hours, with live programming happening daily from 10 a.m. CDT to 6 p.m. CDT. Continue reading…

Originally published May 8, 2023 - Submit an Item