The UNL Department of Mathematics is a national leader with respect to offering opportunities for professional growth for math teachers. For the Fall 2023 semester, the department is offering two online courses that have been designed with teachers and the work they do teaching mathematics in mind.
Online asynchronous courses are flexible with deadlines for course assignments. The fall semester starts Monday, August 21, 2023. If you have taken a course in the past year at UNL, use the instructions here for how to enroll in MyRED: If it has been longer than three semesters, please email Lindsay Augustyn at for further instructions.
#1 - Math 810T, section 700: Algebra for Algebra Teachers
Class Number for Registration: 12771
The main goal of the course is to help Algebra I teachers better understand the conceptual underpinnings of school algebra, and how to leverage that understanding into improved classroom practice. Emphasis is placed on developing the habits of mind of a mathematical thinker. This course is suitable for 7th and 8th grade teachers in addition to high school teachers.
#2 - Math 811T, section 700: Functions for High School Teachers
Class Number for Registration: 5654
A central learning objective of the course is to strengthen your mathematical background for teaching Precalculus. This does not mean reviewing Precalculus, especially as it is presented in a typical text, but rather looking at applications that use the material, at novel or unusual connections with other parts of mathematics, and at advanced material related to Precalculus. One of the goals of this course is to emphasize the conceptual process of doing mathematics over the procedural. Two particular points of emphasis in this course are solving unfamiliar problems and connecting algebra and geometry. Content will include polynomial, circular (trig), and exponential functions, and their connections to calculus.
Note: The Department of Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education is offering TEAC 856P: Learning Models; the section number is 700 and the Class Nbr is 16920.
All of these courses are online asynchronous, and each will cost approximately $1,200.