Congratulations to recent grant awardees in TLTE

Congratulations to these UNL TLTE faculty members who collaborate with the CSMCE and won the following grant awards:

Dr. Deepika Menon (co-PI) is the recipient of an NSF Discovery Research PreK-12 (DRK-12) grant ($449,918) for the project, “Enhancing Early Childhood Educators' Reflective Practice and Content Knowledge to Increase Children's Capacity for Science Talk” with UNL colleagues, PI Dr. Soo-Young Hong, and co-PIs Drs. Douglas Golick, LaDonna Werth and Lisa Poppe.

Dr. Lorraine Males (co-PI) and her colleagues at the U of Washington, U of Maryland, and Duquesne U were awarded an NSF core research grant ($1,499,989) for their project, “Integration of Computer-Assisted Methods and Human Interactions to Understand Lesson Plan Quality and Teaching to Advance Middle-Grade Mathematics Instruction.”

Males (PI) is also the recipient of $121,215 from NSF for the project, “Collaborative Research: The Design and Refinement of Modules for Countering Anti-Blackness in Undergraduate Mathematics Teacher Preparation.” The full grant with NC State and Penn State is for $399,004, and it is a collaboration that includes a PI at each of the three institutions.

Dr. Justin Olmanson and graduate student Azedh Hassani were awarded an internal CEHS Technology grant ($7,500) for their project, “The Intelligent Personal Learning Assistant (IPLA).”