The position statement of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics on Teaching Data Science in High School is out now: nctm.link/hKExX
NCTM position
Ensuring that all students have the mathematical experiences necessary to increase their opportunities for personal and professional success is essential. Data science is a rigorous, engaging, and practical field of study and can be a significant part of a high school student’s mathematical experience. Knowledge of data science is important, and a data science course should be accepted as a high school mathematics course that can be used for credit towards graduation, provided the course includes or builds on previous, substantive student work with essential concepts, knowledge, skills, and habits of mind in mathematics and statistics, as described in Catalyzing Change. (NCTM, 2018)
The full position statement includes an introduction, declarations, appendix (skills and habits of mind), and references.
Join NCTM on April 18 for an engaging webinar designed to enhance math classrooms with rich data experiences: nctm.link/vfjRI