2024 Summer Soybean Institute
May 29-30 and July 16-18, 2024
Applications due May 1
Explore the question:
Why do we grow so many soybeans in Nebraska?
At SSI you will obtain the tools to help your students become “Soybean Enthusiasts” through the exploration and inquiry of the Nebraska Soybean Story. Enjoy a mix of Content Experts from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, the Nebraska Soybean Board, and local teacher leader collaboratives. We will learn together and apply systematic thinking about the phenomenon of Nebraska Soybeans that will lead to a gained understanding of the soybean as a system. Together we will connect your College and Career Ready standards to your classroom by developing units collaboratively with content experts and cross curricular teams that will give you the tools and support to share with your students the vast layers of the Nebraska Soybean Story.
The UNL Department of Agronomy and Horticulture invites 20 middle school and high school teachers to attend. Priority given to cross-curricular teams.
Apply ASAP.
Paid professional development
You must attend all five days to receive stipend.
- $1,050 Full attendance stipend
- $250 Lesson plan implementation bonus
- Up to $1000 supply budget
Choose your location
West Central Research, Extension, and Education Center
402 West State Farm Road, North Platte, Nebraska
(308) 696-6700
Google Map Directions to WCREEC
East Campus, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Lincoln
114 Food Industry Complex, Lincoln, NE
Google Map Directions to East Campus location
Learn more