NCTM's national conference is coming to Denver and the Nebraska Association of Teachers of Math would like to take you there! NCTM conferences are a wonderful and beneficial experience and we want Nebraska teachers to take advantage of the location of this year’s annual conference. Great workshops, sessions, networks, technology are there as well as great exhibitors and manipulatives.
NATM is supporting teachers who wish to go by partially sponsoring a charter bus across I-80 and picking up participants. Please register online at If you have troubles email
The bus would drop you off on Wednesday night, April 17, near several large hotels within walking distance of the convention center. The bus would then pick you up early Saturday afternoon, April 20, for the return trip after two days of incredible sessions on Common Core standards, technology, all levels of instruction, plus some nationally known motivational speakers.
To register for NCTM, go to Save up to $80 when you register by March 15.