Imagine you have nine pennies and they all look identical. One penny weighs more than the other eight. You have to find the penny that weighs more by using a double-balance scale on which to weigh the pennies, but you can only use the scale twice. How do you find the penny that weighs more? Continue reading…
The majority of Americans - 62 percent - have never heard of the Common Core State Standards that have been adopted by all but four states, according to results of a new poll by Phi Delta Kappa and Gallup. Continue reading…
A poll by The Associated Press and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows strong parent backing for standardized tests. Most parents, 93 percent, said standardized exams should be used to measure how students are doing in school. Continue reading…
If you're looking for a math puzzle that accessible and yet give students an opportunity to practice explaining and reasoning, then this Math Puzzler problem from Car Talk is for you. Continue reading…
Peter W. Cookson Jr. of Education Sector interviews Linda Darling-Hammond from Stanford on the importance of professionalizing teaching and its potential impact on equity. Continue reading…