Shelby Aaberg, 2014 Nebraska Teacher of the Year, writes a blog entry comparing the capabilities of Geogebra and Desmos on graphing piecewise defined functions. Read the entry to learn about his findings. Continue reading…
Across the country, teaching is an overwhelmingly female profession, and in fact has become more so over time. More than three-quarters of all teachers in kindergarten through high school are women, according to Education Department data, up from about two-thirds three decades ago. Continue reading…
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics presents these exceptional new books, and all other NCTM publications, at deep-discount prices throughout the fall months. NCTM also offers instructor exam copies for course consideration as well as desk copies for any book adopted for a course. Continue reading…
There are 25 jealous people who live in the squares of a five-by-five grid. Number the tenants of the squares starting in the upper left-hand corner, 1 through 25. Each person aspires to move up or down or left or right of his or her current position. How many moves are needed to accomplish this? Continue reading…