Congratulations to the 42 Nebraska teachers who will earn master's degrees from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on Aug. 15, in part as a result of their participation in NebraskaMATH or the Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institutes. Continue reading…
In summer 2015, 457 distinct teachers and graduate students in math education took a course through the Nebraska Math and Science Summer Institutes or other NebraskaMATH programs for a total of 875 registrations in 49 classes. Continue reading…
More than 100 recipients of the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) were honored this past week in Washington, D.C. Among them was Shelby Aaberg, a Noyce Master Teacher at Scottsbluff High School. Continue reading…
For those whose busy schedules require flexible scheduling in order to make taking graduate courses possible, the UNL Department of Mathematics offers mathematics courses for teachers online on a regular basis. This fall, the department will offer Math 810T: Algebra for Algebra Teachers. Continue reading…
The Nebraska Association of Teachers of Mathematics presents its annual Fall Conference "M3: Making Math Meaningful" on Monday, Sept. 14, at the Kearney Holiday Inn Convention Center. Continue reading…
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln will be holding a one-day workshop on Sept. 18, 2015, on ways to minimize exclusionary disciplinary practices. It is aimed at teachers and practitioners and will be held on UNL's Innovation Campus. The conference is $25. Continue reading…
The Lincoln Downtown Rotary Club #14 awards an annual recognition to an outstanding math educator in the Lincoln area. This year the club bestowed the Don Miller Math Award upon Jim Lewis. Continue reading…
A collection of papers from the Spencer Foundation is featured that represents a range of perspectives and conceptual frameworks for understanding perseverance in mathematics. Continue reading…
In recent months, a new organization, EdReports, has conducted a review of instructional materials for the K-12 mathematics classroom. They recently publicized their results of mostly K-8 classroom materials and textbook series. (The AMTE and NCTM have raised concerns about these reviews.) Continue reading…
Identifying and Supporting Productive STEM Programs in Out-of-School Settings is a new book about out-of-school STEM programs and what is known about those that are effective. Continue reading…