Draft of Nebraska science standards released

The draft of our new College and Career Ready Standards for Science has been released. The survey for public input is LIVE.

For convenience, here are the individual links, and both can be found at https://www.education.ne.gov/

DRAFT: https://www.education.ne.gov/documents/HomePage/Science_Standards_DRAFT_5_3_2017.pdf
SURVEY: https://nde.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9NeF0CJ3CAXXegl

The revision process began in October of 2016 with a team of 50 writers who met again in November. A team of editors, including representatives from our state institutions of higher education, met in December and both writers and editors met again in February. The draft being presented has since been reviewed by a panel of NU system faculty and we are now in requesting public input from all of our Nebraska stakeholders. I hope you will consider 1) reviewing the standards and providing positive feedback and 2) sharing both the draft and the public input survey link with your colleagues, peers, and connections.

We have worked diligently to design the public input survey to be user friendly. The questions asked are tailored to stakeholder groups; students, educators, parents, higher education representatives, and general public. Respondents can select individual grade level/domain level standards to review rather than provide input on the entire document.

Thank you in advance for your support as we move these standards forward to ensure quality science learning for ALL of Nebraska’s students.

Sara Cooper
Science Education Specialist
301 Centennial Mall South, PO Box 94987
Lincoln, NE 68509-4987
E-mail: sara.cooper@nebraska.gov
Phone: 402-471-4329
Twitter: @NDE_Science