We are thrilled that the Solar Eclipse will transit Nebraska on Monday, August 21, 2017. We will join thousands of Nebraskans to witness this scientific event. Solar eclipse glasses are required to safely view one of nature’s grandest shows. Since this event will happen during a school day for most, we are helping teachers in the path of totality prepare.
The NASA Nebraska Space Grant will be providing a limited number of eclipse glasses to Nebraska schools in the path of totality at NO COST. Selection criteria is outlined on the application form available at: https://www.nebraskaeclipse.com/events (select the yellow link).
A few important notes:
· Only 1 application per school will be considered; be sure to complete the application form as completely and accurately as possible.
· NASA Nebraska Space Grant Solar Eclipse Glasses may NOT be sold or re-sold under any circumstances.
· Glasses will only be shipped to school addresses.
· Shipping is included at no cost.
We are excited to hear how teachers across Nebraska will be preparing students for this historic event.
Best regards,
Michaela Lucas
Associate Director
NASA Nebraska Space Grant Consortium