This afternoon (9/5), we will meet to discuss the journal article "I on the Prize: Inquiry Approaches in Undergraduate Mathematics" by Larsen and Rasmussen that was published earlier this year. In the US there is a growing trend towards inquiry based approaches to instruction. In this research commentary, they describe the itellectual origins and development of two major strands of inquiry in higher education, offer an explanation for apparent differences in these strands, and arque that they be united under a common vision.
To get the most out of the journal discussion, we request that you read through the article prior to our meeting.
Time: 2-3 pm on Thursday, 9/5
Place: Bessey 109
Link to article:
Laursen, S. L., & Rasmussen, C. (2019). I on the prize: Inquiry approaches in undergraduate mathematics. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 5(1), 129-146.