FRIDAY (2/28): Critical Factors for Effective and Equitable NGSS Science Teaching Practices

TLTE and the DBER STEM Ed Seminar will be co-sponsoring a Friday brownbag seminar in place of our normal Thursday afternoon Seminar. Please bring your lunches and questions for discussion!

Title: Critical Factors for Effective and Equitable NGSS Science Teaching Practices

Beth Lewis, Associate Professor
Lyrica Lucas, Amy Tankersley, Elizabeth Hasseler, and Brandon Helding

With the Next Generation Science Standards, researchers must understand which science teacher characteristics and ecological factors support advancing such reform initiatives. In a 4-year longitudinal study of beginning and mid-career science teachers we adopted a multi-method approach to investigate effective and equitable instructional practices. We analyzed transcripts, administered a professional development survey, observed science lessons, and documented weeks of lessons. Findings included (a) SMK measures by subject area contributed to explaining variability in teachers’ inquiry-based instruction; (b) summaries of exemplary NGSS-aligned science lessons demonstrated how teachers taught in diverse classrooms; (c) teacher and classroom variables influenced teachers use of scientific practices (examples of how those practices were integrated into the classroom); and (d) science teachers needed to go out of districts to gain content-specific PD and their total amount of PD contributed significantly to continued improvements in teaching science.

Time: Friday, 2/28, from 12:10-1:30pm
Place: 32 Henzlik Hall