Today's Seminar: Are we crossing the instructional chasm? The who, what, when, where, and why of faculty teaching networks

Dr. A. Kelly Lane
Dr. A. Kelly Lane

Please join us this afternoon for a STEM Education Seminar given by Dr. Kelly Lane. She will be presenting research titled "Are we crossing the instructional chasm? The who, what, when, where, and why of faculty teaching networks".

Abstract: We conducted social network analysis in science departments at three universities inquiring as to who faculty talk to about teaching. Our investigation considered why they talk to these individuals, what information is shared during teaching-related conversations, and the context of the conversations. By using principles from social networks and a knowledge transfer framework, we describe factors that contribute to teaching conversations and what is exchanged during them.

Time: Thurs., 3/12, from 2-3 pm
Place: 109 Bessey Hall