Cell Collective is a technology that was developed at the University of Nebraska in 2014 by my team. It is an educational technology that enables educators and students to apply the same techniques professional scientists use (including biomedical researchers in my lab) when conducting computational biomedical research - but in an educational setting. Students can build models of processes such as photosynthesis, food webs, cellular respiration, and gene regulation. With the click of a button, they can run simulations to view the behavior of the system and validate whether it is behaving as expected.
Our team is conducting live, remote-instruction on Cell Collective for the next 8 months. We’re offering the following training sessions on repeat each week (minus government holidays):
Session 1: Introduction to Cell Collective and its application in life science education
Session 2: Computational modeling lesson structure
Session 3: How to use Cell Collective
Session 4: Pedagogical approaches for technology deployment - in-person and remote
Session 5: Working session and live support - no agenda
We encourage all instructors to start with Session 1, offered at 10am on Mondays and 2pm on Tuesdays.
To attend Session 1, please follow these links:
Monday at 10am: https://unl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0oceyvpjgrE9OpNH2UvTuIDdNiiFjCpxpT
Tuesday at 2pm: https://unl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJElc-2hrDksGd2uPV4WrJYPRqulewA1SSQ9