Next Week's Seminar: The Codon Learning Study Path

Dr. Ashley Rowland, Codon Learning
Dr. Ashley Rowland, Codon Learning

Next Thursday, Ashley Rowland will be joining us to share her discipline-based education research on a tool designed to promote student use of self-regulated learning strategies. Please join us!

Dr. Ashley Rowland is a Learning Director working with an a education technology startup, Codon Learning. Ashley earned a PhD in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology at the University of Colorado Boulder and studied as a postdoc at the University of California Berkeley. In 2017, she began conducting biology education research with Lisa Corwin at the University of Colorado Boulder to better understand factors affecting students’ participation in STEM.

The Codon Learning Study Path: A Tool to Promote Student Use of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies

Codon Learning, an education technology startup, builds courseware to catalyze the use of backward design, frequent formative assessment, and self-regulated learning strategies. In our courseware platform, instructors assign learning objectives to class days and build frequent formative assessments that align to those learning objectives. Students then complete assessments and reflect on their performance in the “Study Path”, a structured studying environment that helps students identify which learning objectives they need to work on and use self-testing to achieve those objectives. This talk will focus on the design of the Study Path and student outcomes. Students who used the Study Path in a sophomore-level genetics course earned higher quiz scores than peers who used the Study Path less. They also reported that using the Study Path helps them identify concepts that they did and did not understand, encourages them to return to topics that were challenging, and prepares them by helping them solve practice problems.

Date: Thurs., 9/1, from 2-3pm
Place: 109 Bessey Hall or via Zoom at

Meeting ID: 212 107 342
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