Next week's journal club: A low-cost approach for rapidly creating demonstration models for hands-on learning

Next week's journal discuss will focus on a low-cost approach for rapidly creating demonstration models for hands-on learning. This discussion will springboard from a 2017 article by Kristoph-Dietrich Kinzli et al.

To get the most out of the journal discussion, we request that you read through the article prior to our meeting.

Kinzli, K. D., Kunberger, T., O’Neill, R., & Badir, A. (2018). A low-cost approach for rapidly creating demonstration models for hands-on learning. European Journal of Engineering Education, 43(1), 79-89, DOI: 10.1080/03043797.2017.1311306

Click HERE to access the article.

Thursday, 9/8, from 2-3 pm
All journal clubs will meet via zoom: