Today's Seminar: K-8 Computer Science in Nebraska

Locations of teachers involved in AIR@NE
Locations of teachers involved in AIR@NE

Join us this afternoon as Gwen Nugent and Leen-Kiat Soh discuss teacher and student results from the NSF CS for All funded project: Adapt, Implement, and Research @NE.

K-8 Computer Science in Nebraska: Teacher and Student Impacts

This presentation will discuss teacher and student results from the NSF CS for All funded project, Adapt, Implement, and Research @NE. The presentation shows how carefully structured professional development that includes a summer institute with follow-up Saturday meetings can successfully impact teacher outcomes. It also focuses on student impacts, documenting changes in student computer science confidence and interest over grades K – 8. And finally, it identifies students who score high in CS interest -- defining their characteristics and documenting their CS outcomes as compared to the lower interest students.

Time: Thursday, Nov 2nd from 2-3 pm CT
Place: Bessey 109 or via zoom at
No reservation is required. All are welcome.