Tomorrow (12/6): Students Who Fail to Achieve Predefined Research Goals May Still Experience Many Positive Outcomes as a Result of CURE

Lisa Corwin, University of Colorado, Boulder
Lisa Corwin, University of Colorado, Boulder

We will finish off the Thursday seminar with a discussion of an article co-authored by Dr. Lisa Corwin. Lisa, a faculty member from UCB, will be joining us for the discussion. Please take a few minutes to look over the publication.

Journal Title: Students Who Fail to Achieve Predefined Research Goals May Still Experience Many Positive Outcomes as a Result of CURE Participation

Citation: Gin, L. E., Rowland, A. A., Steinwand, B., Bruno, J., & Corwin, L. A. (2018). Students Who Fail to Achieve Predefined Research Goals May Still Experience Many Positive Outcomes as a Result of CURE Participation. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 17(4), ar57.

Link to article:

Time: Thurs, 12/6, from 2-3 pm
Location: 109 Bessey Hall (zoom conferencing will not be made available)