This afternoon (3/14), Jim Houston and Gwen Nugent with the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools will share their work on an Analysis of Coaching.
Title: Analysis of Coaching: What, why, and how?
This presentation will discuss results from an NSF-funded project analyzing videos of instructional coaching sessions from a completed large-scale research project that focused on science practice skills. The goal of the new project is to address questions about why and how coaching is effective and to provide an empirically based-description of what typically occurs in a coaching session. The video analysis uses software that allows quantitative coding of teacher and coach discourse and behavior. The process uses a coding scheme that includes indicators and operational definitions of key coaching variables that were determined from an extensive review of the coaching literature and focus groups with coaches and teachers. Key variables examined are relationship behaviors (mutual respect, reciprocal trust and rapport), time spent in coaching stages of planning, reflective discussion and feedback; use of coaching strategies (directive and reflective), level of teacher engagement in the coaching process and insight into what the teacher attends to in the coaching sessions (teacher noticing). The data are analyzed by coaching session to show changes across time, as well as across all coaching sessions to provide a snapshot of critical coaching elements. Preliminary results from data analysis along with the trends and conclusions that appear to be emerging will be shared along with additional observational notes that have been collected to help interpret and explain the quantitative results. Challenges encountered in the developing the coding scheme and corresponding operational definitions will be shared along with an overview of what future analyses are planned.
Time: 2-3pm on Thursday, 3/14
Place: 109 Bessey Hall or via zoom conferencing
Zoom Link: https://unl.zoom.us/j/212107342.