(OMA) Friday, November 6 (before midnight) is the last date to withdraw from a Fall 2015 course with a grade of "W" via MavLINK. This is also the last day to change a course to "Audit" or to "CR/NC.” For more information, contact your academic advisor.
(OMA) Spring 2016 classes can be viewed on your MavLINK account. Advising is required for undergraduate engineering students on the Omaha campus before registering. Pick up your advising form in PKI 107 before meeting with your advisor. Registration begins Nov. 4 for seniors. Continue reading…
More details at: http://registrar.unomaha.edu/schedule.php
(OMA) Get help with your engineering, math, chemistry and physics courses at the Engineering Study Stop. Trained peer tutors will be available to help with first- and second-year courses. No appointments necessary. Continue reading…