Study Startups in Rwanda

Study abroud in Rwanda this summer with the College of Business!
Study abroud in Rwanda this summer with the College of Business!

This faculty-led summer education abroad program offers a unique look into entrepreneurship in Rwanda. Recently, the annual growth in GDP on the continent of Africa has steadily outpaced those from other continents. Such economic growth—paired with rapidly expanding infrastructure—has highlighted the need for entrepreneurial expansion throughout the continent. And in few environments is this emerging entrepreneurial passion more alive and well than in the country of Rwanda. The paired passion of the Rwandan people and broader efforts by the Rwandan government to invest in economic growth make Rwanda a unique case for entrepreneurial opportunity. As a rapidly developing ecosystem that houses unique emerging business prospects and a supportive environment for entrepreneurial growth, Rwanda has much to offer those seeking an entrepreneurial journey.

Example fields of study for students who may be interested in this opportunity include: Accounting, Agribusiness, Business Administration, Entrepreneurship, Health & Human Services, Hospitality, Restaurant & Tourism Management, and more. Applications are open to all students now, with a final deadline March 1, 2023. Go to for more information and to apply.

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