National Preparedness Month 2019 - Week 3: Teach Youth to Prepare for Disasters

Encourage families to include youth in disaster planning.
Encourage families to include youth in disaster planning.

Emergencies and disasters can happen at any time and often without any warning. According to FEMA, children comprise approximately 25 percent of our population, disaster planning, response, and recovery efforts must take into account the unique needs that children have. Week 3 of 2019 National Preparedness Month focuses on Youth, their special needs, and how they can contribute to helping families and communities be better prepared.

Youth can create action by bringing home the message of preparedness from school or by participating in 4-H or other youth organizations programming.

Youth preparedness programs can help create leaders. Consider opportunities for youth to learn first aid and CPR/AED skills.

Research has shown youth who have learned about emergency preparedness experience less anxiety when faced with a real-world emergency or disaster.

Go to Week 3 - to find prepared social media content and links to resources focusing on children. Here are a couple to get you started:

Teach children what to do in an emergency if they are at home or away from home. #BeReady #YouthPrep

Get the kids involved in building their own emergency kit: #ReadyKids #PreparedNotScared

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