During the last quarter, you may have conducted programming and/or organized service events in response to the natural disasters experienced in Nebraska. Information will be requested to enter the estimated direct education client contacts related to the response and recovery efforts.
Responders will see the following:
1. A space to report an estimate of the percentage of their time spent on disaster response and recovery programming for this reporting period.
2. Two options to report the number of response and recovery contacts:
a. Educational Program Contacts (educational client contacts directly served by Extension)
b. Volunteers Coordinated (volunteers coordinated by Extension to provide response or recovery service )
Special instructions in the report template now include:
• You may have already reported a response or recovery program in your key programming area on the previous screen, which is correct. We are asking you to dual report recovery efforts below to uniquely capture the response and recovery work.
• In addition to educational programming, you may also be training and/or coordinating volunteers to provide service in your communities. Please report those numbers below in the column that represents the estimated service hours completed by the volunteers.
• You will still be asked to report contacts gender, race and ethnicity in order to complete the federal civil rights compliance.
• You should also still plan to complete the weekly flood recovery feedback form on Fridays, this does not take the place of that survey.
The Response and Recovery Accountability Reporting will also be made available to any staff who do not normally receive an Accountability Report Quarterly request.