Monday Update Recording
Did you miss the weekly update on Monday? The recording is now available.
Did you miss the weekly update on Monday? The recording is now available.
New PSA's have been added focusing on adult mental health. Continue reading…
The relationships you have built with local media is a tremendous resource as Nebraska Extension continues its flood response and recovery efforts. There is great potential to use the media to spread our key messages. I have attached two documents that may assist you in this process.
Characteristi Continue reading…
Quarterly Accountability Reports will be emailed on 7/16/19, to staff who normally report quarterly. If you are staff that doesn't do a quarterly report and have disaster response and recovery contacts/volunteer coordination to enter, please do so here: Continue reading…
This webinar is being offered to Nebraska Extension and Local Health Department (LHDs) staff to provide the most updated information to assist in answering mold questions related to flooding now and going forward. Continue reading…
Workers who became unemployed as a direct result of flooding in the state may qualify for unemployment assistance. This article includes filing deadlines as well as required documentation. Continue reading…
More details at:
As you plan flood programming, we have designed a powerpoint template to lead back to the flood website and includes a slide for additional mental health resources.
The following article discusses behaviors that children might be experiences after a flood and ways that parents or caregivers can help children through this process. Continue reading…
More details at:
The Crop Residue Exchange is an online engagement tool designed to increase accessibility to grazing resources. This online exchange was recently updated to now include the ability to list pasture for rent to livestock producers. Continue reading…
Topics included adjusting leases on flood-damaged crop and pasture land; avoiding field operations on wet soils; planting and prevented planting dates and considerations; pastures added to the Crop Residue Exchange; and five videos on growing annual forages to replace flood losses. Continue reading…
The upcoming Connecting Entrepreneurial Communities Conference in Beatrice is an opportunity for community leaders and residents, to learn about programs, resources, and opportunities in community and entrepreneurial development. Continue reading…
Did you miss the Spring Game? Check out these videos from the game. Continue reading…
Nebraska has taken an early lead in the National 4-H Raise Your Hand campaign. We’re also excited to announce that 100% of any winnings that Nebraska 4-H earns from this year’s campaign will be used to support 4-H flood and disaster recovery in Nebraska. Continue reading…
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