Crop Resources Update

Flood Damage and Prevented Planting was one of several articles posted this week in the Agriculture > Crops section of This story lists important 2019 dates relative to planting, late planting, and prevented planting for corn and soybean growers along with considerations and recommendations.

Other articles newly posted to the Crops Section:

Wait For Better Conditions Before Heading Out On Wet Soils.
If you're putting a log chain or tow strap in the tractor cab just in case you get stuck, even you know it’s too wet. Waiting a day or two for the soil to dry out some will provide better soil conditions for planting and stand establishment.

Addressing Harvest Ruts and Erosion Gullies.
With the wet spring, producers need to evaluate soil moisture conditions before heading to their fields to clean up flood debris and fill in ruts, rills, and gullies.

Should Leases be Adjusted for Flood-Damaged Farm Ground?
This article provides guidance on adjusting rental rates for flood-damaged cropland with different lease characteristics, including having that important landlord-tenant discussion this spring before planting.

Growing Annual Forages to Replace Flood Losses.
Five video presentations address seed selection and production of annual forages that might be used to replace hay and pasture lost to the flood. Topics include successful forage production, nutrient value of the feed, and related government programs.

Should Leases be Adjusted for Flood-Damaged Farm Ground?
This article provides guidance on adjusting rental rates for flood-damaged cropland with different lease characteristics, including having that important landlord-tenant discussion this spring before planting.

Adjusting Pasture and Hay Ground Leases for 2019.
Where there is significant flood damage to pastures, hayland, or alfalfa, should the rental rate be adjusted for 2019? This article provides guidance on adjusting rental rates, depending on individual circumstances.

Recovering Flooded Pastures.
Recommendations for recovering a flooded pasture and making it viable again.

Thickening Alfalfa With Spring Cereals.
Have a tough winter and recent disasters left your alfalfa hay stand a little wanting? Consider boosting hay yields by drilling in oats, spring triticale or spring barley now.