Nebraska Extension's Food Access Issue Team worked with communities, consumers, producers, and partners to help Nebraskans find, afford, choose and use healthful foods. Continue reading…
The roughly 100’ by 75’ garden is located at Heartland Lutheran High School where a variety of fruits and vegetables are grown. Raising Nebraska, through Backyard Farmer, donated all of the plants grown in the garden. The amount of produce donated has astounded those working on the project. Continue reading…
The Food Access Issue Team would like to express our sincerest gratitude to all of our partners across the state who made this year successful. Thank you, for sharing these programs and accomplishments with us.
Nebraska Extension's Food Access Issue Team worked with the Pixel Lab's Dan Hartig to create a video that showcases the team's programs and partnerships. Click here to view the video
A partnership between Nebraska Extension, the Nebraska Department of Agriculture, CHI Health, and Children's Hospital and Medical Center brought a successful Double Up Food Bucks Pilot to Lincoln with incredible results. Continue reading…