Fall 2020 Geology Advising
All academic advising for the Fall 2020 semester will be completed virtually. This means that all advising meetings and interactions will be conducted on Zoom, over the phone, or via email. Doug and Professor Kettler are available to meet your academic advising needs, and we look forward to meeting with you and working with you throughout the fall semester. Even though advising will continue to be virtual, we will do everything we can to support you for the fall semester.
Due to social distancing even if Doug is in his office, you will need schedule an advising appointment that will be conducted via Zoom, phone, or email or join drop-in advising on Zoom. If an in-person meeting is absolutely required, arrangements will need to be made well in advance so we can accommodate social distancing in the meeting.
Doug’s advising hours will be:
Appointments – 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays
Appointments – 8:30 am to 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm on Wednesday and Fridays
Drop-In Advising – 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm on Wednesdays and Fridays
You can schedule an appointment with Doug by using the MyPlan system via this link, by calling the College of Arts and Sciences Academic and Career Advising Center at 402-472-4190, by calling him at 402-472-4319, or by emailing him at dpellatz@unl.edu.
For the Fall 2020 semester, Drop-In Advising will replace Walk-in Advising. For Drop-In Advising, you can enter the Zoom waiting room by navigating to https://unl.zoom.us/my/casadvising for quick questions that would not require a scheduled appointment. The College of Arts and Sciences Academic and Career Advising Center will be facilitating all drop-in advising for the fall semester.
Professor Kettler's Advising
Advising meetings can be scheduled with Professor Kettler by contacting him at rkettler1@unl.edu. To my knowledge, Professor Kettler will be advising on a mostly remote basis.