Jobs and Internships

Jobs and Internships
Jobs and Internships


Career Coaching
We want to hear from you! Please take 5 minutes to fill out this brief survey to help us gather important feedback on your experience with Career Coaching services in the College of Arts & Sciences. By filling out the survey you can opt into a drawing for one of three prizes: UNL Men’s Basketball tickets vs. Iowa on Feb. 25th, a reusable notebook/tablet, or City of Lincoln t-shirt with new Lincoln logo.
Take the survey here or copy and paste the following link:

Gaining Experience

National Geographic Internships
• In addition to gaining extensive professional experience, our internship program seeks to inspire, educate and build lasting connections through regular events with some of the National Geographic Society's staff, Explorers, educators and storytellers. Throughout the program, you will receive support and guidance from a wide array of National Geographic staff as you explore what it is like to help us achieve our mission to illuminate and protect the wonder of our world.
• Application Deadline: February 28th, 2022

Undergraduate Student Intern at the Foster Care Review Office
• Foster Care Review Office (FCRO) has an opportunity for an undergraduate student intern to help our office track legislative bills and activity during the 2022 Nebraska legislative session.
• The Foster Care Review Office is an independent state agency responsible for oversight of the foster care system in Nebraska.  In addition, the FCRO submits annual and quarterly reports to the legislature with data and information about children in out-of-home care in Nebraska.
• Location: In Lincoln office or remote
• Hours: 10 hours/week
• Submit interest or resume to Monika Gross at

2022 Ray Diversity Fellowship
We are pleased to announce that the 2022 application cycle for the Roger Arliner Young (RAY) Diversity Fellowship⁠ is now open! The RAY Diversity Fellowship is a two-year (1-year with 1-year renewal), full-time position with partner conservation and clean energy organizations with the goal of increasing and facilitating environmentally-related career pathways for emerging leaders of color. RAY Fellows have worked in a variety of communications, climate, policy, research, education, fieldwork, and philanthropic capacities.
Eligibility & How to Apply
• Eligible applicants will:
• Come from a racial / ethnic background underrepresented in the environmental sector and demonstrate a commitment to the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion
• Be no more than 1 year out of college and have a Bachelor's Degree by August 2022 (we are not considering individuals with graduate degrees at this time)
• Have not had a full-time job in conservation or clean energy
• Have the ability to work in the United States and commit to the entire fellowship
• Visit their website at for application instructions

Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research Summer Opportunity
• The Energy Center would like to remind you of the deadline for the summer internship opportunity in energy sciences for 2022. The application deadline is Friday, February 18, 2022. This is the eighth year the Nebraska Center for Energy Sciences Research is offering this opportunity to undergraduate students with support from the Nebraska Public Power District.
• Information about previous internship students and their research projects can be found on the following webpage:
• Apply now on Handshake:

Career Events

Learn International Nebraska
Tuesday, February 15th & Wednesday, February 16th, 1-2:30pm, via Zoom
• This two-day career networking event will give students the opportunity to hear from employers in the state of Nebraska. Each speaker will discuss their organization’s international reach, opportunities for students to get involved, and time will be allotted for a question-and-answer period.
Day One will feature representatives from the Omaha Chamber of Commerce, Nebraska’s Department of Economic Development, and the Nebraska Corn Board. Registration Link for Day One:
Day Two will feature speakers from private companies around the state including Kawasaki, FNBO, and LI-COR. Registration Link for Day Two:

Nonprofit in Residence
Join fellows huskers the week of Feb. 21-25 to connect with local nonprofit organizations from 11am-1pm located in the Nebraska Union across from the N-card Office. Students can stop by to meet with organization representatives and learn about industries, internships, and volunteer opportunities
Monday, February 21st: Transformation Thrift Store
Tuesday, February 22nd: TeamMates of Lincoln
Wednesday, February 23rd: OutNebraska
Thursday, February 24th: Mourning Hope Grief Center
Friday, February 25th: Family Service Lincoln


Practice LSAT Test
February 19th from 8:45 to 12:00 pm in Louise Pound Hall 27

• Take this opportunity to practice taking LSAT under timed conditions. This practice exam will be in paper and pencil format, and not a digital format like the official LSAT exams. However, taking a practice LSAT under timed conditions will help you to practice your strategies and thought processes and hone your test-taking skills.

Professional School Visit: University of Nebraska College of Law
February 22nd, 2022 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Gaining Experience as a Pre-Law Student
February 24th, 2022 from 4:00 pm to 5:00 pm in Love Library South

• There are many ways to gain experience as a Pre-Law student, with opportunities on-campus, in the local community, and beyond. With so many options, it can be hard to know where to begin getting involved. Attend this workshop to reflect on which skill sets you would like to develop as a Pre-Law student and plan for your involvement as you prepare to apply to law school.

Employer Engagement

Kidwell: Employer in Residence
February 24th, 2022, from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm in Howard L. Hawks Hall
• Kidwell has more than 250 highly trained and industry certified employees, and we have expanded our operation to include a variety of advanced construction and technological services for businesses. We serve clients throughout the region — and the nation — with computer networking, carrier services, premise cabling, IP access control and cameras, telephony, and electrical contracting. Most importantly, we help our clients harness the power of integration to improve the productivity, longevity, and value of their technology. Our design expertise leads to more efficient (and often lower cost) solutions for our clients.

Online / Virtual Career Events
Pathways to Social Impact
Pro-Football Hall of Fame “Before the Snap” ft. Jon Kendle
FEMA’s Recovery Recruitment Council Honors Black History Month Increasing Diversity in the Workplace
FBI San Francisco: Professional Staff Q/A Mini Info Session


E & A Consulting Group, Inc - Environmental Scientist I - Entry Level (Omaha, NE)

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District - Interdisciplinary Role

Martin Marietta - Internship - Mining Production

American Conservation Experience - Interpretation & Education Member - Rocky Mountain National Park


Geological Survey - Hydrologist, Hydrologic Technician, Hydrologist (Modeling), Hydrologist, and Hydrologic Technician

Field Operating Offices of the Office of the Secretary of the Army - Student Trainee (Land Surveying)

Environmental Protection Agency - Environmental Engineer / Physical Scientist / Life Scientist (Enforcement Office/Inspector)

Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center - Hydrologic Technician

Ohio-Indiana- Kentucky Water Science Center - Hydrologic Technician

Upper Midwest Water Science Center - Physical Scientist

USACE Geotechnical and Hazardous, Toxic, Radioactive, and Waste Branch - Geologist

Caribbean-Florida Water Science Center - Hydrologic Technician

University of New Hampshire - MS/PhD Student Opportunities, Marine Geology/Sedimentology/Sediment Geochemistry

Northern VA Community College - Science Lab Technician

Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis - GIS and Cartographic Analyst

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Research Associate

University of Connecticut Department of Natural Resources - MS in Socio-Environmental Modeling

Other Job and Internship Resources
US Government Jobs - USAJOBS
The Geological Society of America - Geoscience Job Board
The American Association of Petroleum Geologist - AAPG Career Center
The Seismological Society of America - SSA Job Listings
Rigzone - Geosciences Jobs
The American Geophysical Union - AGU Pathfinder Career Center
The Association for Women Geoscientists - AWG Job Board
Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) - Opportunity Catalog